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My wife suggested that I speak to a therapist about issues in my life caused by a traumatic event. Since I had never imagined myself seeing a therapist, the most difficult step was the first one, i.e., finding the correct help. Dr. Weymouth's breadth of experience and her diverse expertise in methods is what attracted me. She was a tremendous choice. Dr. Weymouth got to the core of my issue as soon as our second meeting. She quickly assessed who I was as a person and what was important to me. She began establishing steppingstones, which were sometimes hard but motivated and challenged me, to allow me to tear down the barriers the event had erected in my life. Soon we began working as a "team," which removed any issues I thought I would have with a therapist-client relationship. In the end, what I had worried would take months (or forever) to resolve turned out to be weeks. Dr. Weymouth is both a fantastic therapist and now a friend. I recommend her to people of all ages with any issue.



I was referred to Kathryn in late 2006 by Lewis & Clark College’s health department, and I came to her just after a divorce for clarification in my role in that relationship and help to navigate my career. She helped me to identify the patterns and possible reasons for the failed relationship, and introduced me to some techniques and exercises to help set intentions to clarify my inner desires, such as Tapas Acupressure Technique and some meditation and visualization methods from Huna Mysticism. Kathryn’s combination of traditional therapy and non-conventional methods of self exploration and meaning helped me to gain clarity and ultimately put me on a path to greater self awareness, self love, and understanding of my life experience. I wholeheartedly recommend Kathryn; her compassion and deep knowledge and experience helping others has been an anchor in my life and I am forever appreciative of her. It is now almost 10 years later, and despite being in different parts of the country, Kathryn still takes an interest in my life and is forever a friend and significant contributor to the happiness I experience in my life today.


A Huge Thank You.

L.G. I have been seeing Kathryn Weymouth, PhD for quite a few years and her help has been remarkable. She was the third therapist I called about a particular issue I wanted to work on, and when I heard her voice it was like coming home; I don't know how else to explain it.

We have worked together on so many things: allergies, digestive issues, pain, relationships past and present, co-dependency, spiritual connections, and living and dying. She brings her energy healing, counseling techniques, and years of experience to every session, and is open about sharing her own life stories so it is easy to talk to her about everything and you know that she understands.

One of my favorite stories to share is when I went to my eye doctor and he asked when I had had surgery to close the hole in my retina. I said I hadn't, but he insisted that I must have because the healing that he saw on the X-rays wouldn't happen without surgery. I had asked Kathryn to see if she could heal it,(she didn't claim that she could, just said, "let's see what happens'), and with just a few short treatments of energy healing the retina closed without having surgery. He thought that was "very cool."

Karen. I've been seeing Dr. Kathryn Weymouth off and on for several years. She has been a remarkable help with all of my medical issues. While I was having treatments my dog (a Rottweiler) was always in the room with me, he had a brain tumor, and during my treatments he became extremely relaxed and docile. When my treatment was over he was relaxed for the entire evening. Because of the treatments that she gave me, my dog absorbed so much of the healing energy that the end of his life was much easier. Before I saw Dr. Weymouth I was in so much physical pain I just could not tolerate it even with medication, but every time I saw her I immediately fell asleep during my treatment. I do not sleep well, another one of the not-so-fun things that go along with the pain, but I always get a very good amount of relief from my treatments. I used to be so shocked that they worked so well, but now I just thank god and Dr. Weymouth.

Author Karen   

Testimonial *Dr Weymouth helped me through a very difficult time after the tragic death of my mother. I was overwhelmed with guilt and having a very difficult time moving beyond it. It was affecting every aspect of my life. My relationship with my family, my partner, my job. Even day to day conversations were difficult for me. She helped me to move beyond my grief and restart my life so that I could continue on with my own personal and spiritual journey. We did bereavement counseling, cord cutting, and visualization. I really enjoyed my sessions with Katheryn and looked forward to meeting with her each week, while we worked through my issues. The blending of conventional and non-conventional methods of therapy were tremendously liberating and really helped me to lift the heavy weight I felt I was carrying. I am a much happier and healthy individual and can't recommend her highly enough. I was referred by my fiancé who had seen her a number of years before, while he was going through a difficult divorce and I have referred a number of my family and friends. Thank you!

Author *Amie   

Testimonial *Kathryn has helped me work through issues from my childhood, with eating disorder issues, back pain, knee pain, colds, fatigue, you name it. She also helped my husband with recovery after a Semi-Truck accident. She has done cord cutting, energy healing, Hypnotherapy and past life regression with me. I highly recommend her .

Author *Jeanine Chase   

Yes, I say "experienceS".
No one referred me to Dr. Weymouth, but I was in need of counseling due to what was happening in my life in 2004. I think the only problem I didn't have that year was money. My marriage fell apart, and I did not take it well - and there were also problems with my family and my job. I decided to choose one therapist who was highly conventional in approach and one who was using alternate therapies. I found both of them through ads in Willamette Week, as I recall. Dr. Weymouth was the therapist who used alternative methods. This worked quite well for me at that particular time, though the conventional therapist kept telling me I should choose one and fire the other. I did exactly that - after she tried to convince me I had borderline personality disorder.
Dr. Weymouth thought I had every right to choose how to deal with my own troubles, and I spent nearly a year with her that time. I have gone back to her intermittently over the ensuing years - I figure that if I have been thinking for a couple of months that I really need to see her about something, then I should probably call her and set up an appointment. The most recent time (December 2015, January 2016), it only took five visits to settle me.
I enjoy the past life regressions, and I have learned a few things about myself as I am currently by doing them. The various types of energy work she has done with me also helped immensely - especially the cord-cutting. I like working with the archangels in the way she does it. And, I find, if she assigns me some homework, I will do much better if I do said homework. Working with her sparks my own intuition, and I am frequently surprised by what comes out of my mouth during a session.
And, on top of the energy and regression work, she is a fine talk therapist. I am willing to assume she is also good in dealing with group sessions, though I have never done any with her.

Her prices are reasonable, and I think I get more than my money's worth when I see her. She also takes insurance.

Judy Schultheis   

Testimonial *You should be so lucky as to work with Kathryn Weymouth, such an intuitive and kind counselor. Kathryn has helped me, therefore my family, through growth and personal development when faced with family of origin issues, illness and critical life decision making. Kathryn has the depth to acknowledge, love and care for my soul on this planet and her help has released me to be a whole and present being. I know she does the same for all with whom she works. Pamela Brown

Author *Pamela Brown   

I first met Dr. Weymouth over 16 years ago. I was referred to her by an abortion clinic. I thought I would never overcome the grief, shame and guilt. Through therapy and energy healing with Kathryn over a period of weeks the grief dissipated. As it did, other issues became evident. Through on-going individual therapy and in a group setting, Kathryn introduced me to new ways of thinking. She put me in touch with a spirituality that made sense to me, helping me tune in to my beliefs and enhancing them to give me strength. I have returned to Kathryn many times over the years to learn, grow and heal when new challenges appear. In addition to therapy and healing touch, we have done cord cutting, past life regression and hypnotherapy. She has helped me relieve neck and back pain, and most of all, chronic migraines. I am free of all these painful conditions now and I've never been happier. Kathryn's educated, intelligent and gentle approach to spiritual and psychological healing is apparent in everything she does, and it works! She is willing to share her gifts with the world and she makes it a better place for all of us. I am eternally grateful to her. If you are open to exploring the depths of your psyche and pain, you could not find a more skilled and compassionate guide, therapist and advocate.


When I first came to see Dr. Weymouth I was depressed and generally feeling "stuck" where I was in my life. I had come for energy work, but she took the time to get to know me and assess my problems with a combination of traditional talk therapy, as well as energy work For me, it was exactly what I needed. Within three sessions, months of negativity started to shift. My mood improved, my feeling of being "stuck" began to evaporate as positive people and situations came into my life. I now feel in a space of joy and gratitude and very thankful that I was able to find Dr. Weymouth to help me. She is incredibly knowledgeable about many types of therapy and was able to apply appropriate "fixes" for my situation. I would recommend her to anyone looking to gain insight into improving their life.

Lisa W.   

I originally met Kathryn about 20 or so years ago. I don't remember how I found her, but I was recently recovered from a 20 year history of bulimia, but still had body issues. She was running a group called "Diets Don't Work", I think or something like that. It introduced me to a group of women who all had varying issues around body acceptance, dieting, etc. This group ran for a number of years moving on to different topics. Eventually I saw Kathryn on an individual basis for a variety of issues. She introduced me to the Healing Touch Technique that she utilizes. When my Mom was dying in a local hospice facility she was unconscious and very agitated. Mom had always be very afraid of death and uncomfortable about any discussion about death. I didn't think twice about contacting Kathryn and she graciously came to the facility to do a Healing Touch Treatment. My sister and watched Mom calm down from that one session and stayed so until her death several days later. I will always be eternally grateful to Kathryn for giving my Mom peace at the time of her death. I plan on seeing Kathryn some more for issues that need more work. I highly recommend her for compassionate talk therapy along with a variety of alternatives treatment. She is an integrative therapist, having an arsenal of skills.

Jody LaFollette